On Monday 14 May 2007 11:57, Ted Unangst wrote:
> On 5/14/07, Jeff Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there any documentation on the exact functions of the flags that can
> > be passed to WD via config? I haven't found any, and I'm not a good
> > enough C programmer to tease them out of the source.
> man wd?

So a flag for, say, PIO, of 0x0100 would be ignored, since it says to set PIO 
mode 4 but not to use it? And then would it revert to the equivalent of 

Not trying to be difficult here, I'm just having some ... interesting ... 
results passing flags to WD, and it would be nice to know exactly what's 
going on.

Jeff Simmons                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Simmons Consulting - Network Engineering, Administration, Security
"By these actions SRL became the first to operate intentionally lethal
machinery over the net with standard browser software."
        -- Survival Research Laboratories

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