On Mon, 14 May 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have a stateless rule on one of my boxes which was just upgraded from 4.0to
> 4.1. After the upgrade there were some odd issues that were reported and
> after looking into them I tracked the source of the issues down to a rule
> that was set not to keep state in pf.conf, but was actually keeping state
> with the S/SA flags set. I was able to manipulate the rule to use other
> flags and seen the change reflected but when reverting back to the stateless
> rule "flags S/SA keep state" was the actual behavior which
> confused/frustrated me. So I looked at the changelog again to take a closer
> look at what changes were made to PF and came across this line:
> *Make sure pf(4) doesn't set 'flags S/SA' on stateless rules.
> which confuses me even more. Anyone seeing the same issues I am?

I don't think you've read http://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade41.html
before upgrading.


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