Renaud Allard wrote:
I think a better solution would be for *more* people to use greylisting
implementations which do this, so that more MSexchange users will either
bother Microsoft to fix their bug, or script 'net stop smtpsvc;net start
smtpsvc' to run a few times a day so they can send mail to others too.

Most of the time with people running exchange, they don't care and don't
have a clue about what happens and argue that _your_ server is broken
because they don't have problems elsewhere.

lol! i encounter this phenomenon on a regular basis: clueless people misapplying blame for problems they are themselves the cause of.

when implementing some new STL code on a printing press, anything that went wrong immediately thereafter was (incorrectly) attributed to my code changes. this is a testament to the cluelessness of the people who operate the machine. these situations remind me of a recent thread about US crypto export laws ;).

i do end up having to manually whitelist a number of sender IPs and i believe i now know why the emails didn't get through the greyfilter, thanks for the info y'all. had a microsloth software distributor talk to me for a while about the "value added" by having an all microsloth shop. more like "cluelessness added" infrastructure: everybody should sell their state-owned infrastructure to nepotistic private companies, it's obviously more efficient.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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