2 questions:

First, we are looking for an embedded system (that is, inclusive casing),
that works with OpenBSD.
Low power, fanless, booting from CF (4GB).
It needs to have a 'full' COM-port (RTS, CTS, DSR, DTR) aside of the serial
console, a full PCI-slot, USB, 1 NIC.
Soekris doesn't fit; neither do the current Infotek offers (though we will
try a sample of the latter).
Any recommendations ?

Secondly, we contacted quite a lot of manufacturers. One promising brand:
Devon. But their answer was quite horrible:
"Our units should run OpenBSD but we do not have any experience using it.
Also, the warranty would be invalid if you install the other OS."
Does anyone have a nice template to write to them, and tell them that it
would be to their advantage if they worked with us, instead of threatening
me ? If I write one myself, I am afraid, I might come across as rude and
Anyone with diplomatic abilities ? Their gear sounds interesting: Actually,
something like  IT - Server-Based Computing for the Modern BusinessNTA 6030A
is slightly below Soekris, price-wise, for us. 1GHz Eden; could be more than
enough for a great OpenBSD server/workstation.


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