
Somewhat old:

On Fri, Apr 27, 2007 at 06:08:13PM +0200, Rafa?? Brodewicz wrote:
>Hannah Schroeter pisze:
>>I've tried to setup an IPSEC client connection. However, I see that it
>>doesn't work because the X509 certificate I've been given by my CA has no
>>subjAltName extension. And I'm not sure whether I'll be able to get them
>>to add one for me.

>>So, is there any reason why one can't bring ipsecctl/isakmpd to find the
>>certificate to use by the certificate DN or e.g. its emailAdress part?

>>And btw... Why can you specify a USER_FQDN as srcid type in ipsec.conf(5),
>>but not add something like that as subjAltName attribute to an X509
>>certificate (I see that only IP or FQDN are available as extensions in
>>the default /etc/ssl/x509v3.cnf and I see no mention of something that
>>looks like USER_FQDN in the openssl(1) manpage either).

>Here's a simple script that I'm using for generating certificates.

That doesn't help my problem. I'm not the CA! I have the given
certificate without subjAltName and just wonder why isakmpd/ipsec.conf
can't select a certificate by (part of the) DN oder by certificate
fingerprint as additional possibility.

Kind regards,


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