RW wrote:
> I have a Commell LE564 which will work happily with a serial console
> including doing BIOS stuff.
> The BIOS allows use of a USB CD drive and that works too. Well, it
> works perfectly if you can just time it right and blindly type in the
> magic string to redirect the console to com0 and then you can do all of
> the install and thankfully some really kind dev gave us a choice to use
> serial console for running the installed OS.
> So I thought it would be cool to modify the CD boot to do the console
> switch that I remembered somebody describing some time back, and did
> the svnd mount of the cdrom41.fs, added /etc/ and put in a boot.conf
> containing "set tty com0". I noted that the image contained /boot and
> /bsd as expected.
> I then did mkhybrid with all the buttons and knobs and burned the
> resulting ISO to a CD.
> Mounting it shows the expected directory structure and when it is
> booted it announces that it is using a 2.88 floppy image and then gives
> out "ERR M" and locks up.
> I haven't suffered that before and found it in the FAQ but I'm none the
> wiser as to what could have happened in a CD boot situation.
> Anybody who has had this problem and worked it through can feel free to
> be very superior and lay a clue on me because I'm sure that it is a
> painful thing to debug except for the authors of the boot processes.

Well, the ERR M translates to being a message from the PBR which means,
"I grabbed what was hard coded in me to grab, but whatever it was, it
sure didn't look like /boot, so I'm giving you the most explicit error
message I can, but be glad tom@ wrote this code and not nick@, otherwise
you would quickly find that 512 bytes is not much to stick verbose error
messages in"

So, the question is, why didn't it look like /boot?  I'm not entirely
sure, but could you have moved/deleted/re-copied the /boot file?

Personally, I'd suggest using cd41.iso, and altering the already
existing /etc/boot.conf file that is on that.  From what we have
seen, cd41.iso is actually a bit more compatible with newer systems
than the floppy emulation process used on cdrom41.fs's 2.88M floppy. DID test that an unaltered cdrom41.fs DOES work, didn't you?
I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't -- some machines don't like the
floppy emulation at all, some don't like 2.88M floppies, etc.  I could
easily see a bug producing that error.

OH!!  USB CD!!!
yeah, definitely use the cd41.iso, and/or non-floppy-emulation for
your custom bootable CD.  It's been a while (and I don't have much
to even test it with), but I think the floppy emulation just doesn't
work on USB CDROM drives (or was very buggy on many of 'em)


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