On Jun 8, 2007, at 5:58 AM, Pieter Verberne wrote:

Hi there OpenBSD users,

I wonder how much time it took for the average person to 'master'
OpenBSD or a similar OS.

About 10 years through deliberate practice, just like any other complex area of study.

See "The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance" by Ericsson, et al.

Choice quote:
"Our review has also shown that the maximal level of performance for individuals in a given domain is not attained automatically as function of extended experience, but the level of performance can be increased even by highly experienced individuals as a result ofdeliberate efforts to improve. Hence, stable levels of performance after extended experience are not rigidly limited by unmodifiable, possibly innate, factors, but can be further increased by deliberate efforts. We have shown that expert performance is acquired slowly over a very long time as a result of practice and that the highest levels of performance and achievement appear to require at least around 10 years of intense prior preparation."

The areas of study particular to mastering systems administration haven't changed much over the decades, just the particulars. I think the table of contents and bibliography of _Essential System Administration_ by Frisch is a good introduction to the topics.

Others mentioned BSDCertification.org which also has a pretty comprehensive list areas of study. http://www.bsdcertification.org/downloads/ pr_20051005_certreq_bsda_en_en.pdf
Freedom, truth, love, beauty.
John Rodenbiker

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