got a 4.1-release machine that shares its disks via samba to a few windows xp workstations and is transferring files slow as molasses (1 GB file takes ~30 min to transfer). this machine serves FTP at ~10 MBps, close to linespeed for 100 Mbit, so disk speed is not the bottleneck on the server side. i expect to go gigabit on this stuff in another week or two so any further tips that apply in that regime would be nice to see.

have read through the samba howto doc section on performance tuning and have tried a number of the suggested knobs to no avail. here is what has been added to the mostly default smb.conf that's being used:

  read raw = yes
  write raw = yes
  oplocks = yes
  max xmit = 65535
  dead time = 15
  getwd cache = yes
  socket options = TCP_NODELAY

the share sections of smb.conf look like so:

  comment = d unencrypted
  path = /d
  valid users = @smb
  write list = @smb
  read list = @smb
  force group = smb
  public = no
  writable = yes
printable = no create mask = 0770
  directory mask = 0770
  read only = no

i'm sure there are some of you out there using samba sans shite performance like this, would appreciate clues on how to fix this.


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