On 6/9/07, Marti Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/9/07, Bray Mailloux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, I'm trying to get my WWW server, public:; private:
>, to answer requests from the internet. Each time I try to
> access the public address, via firefox, the browser claims it does not
> exist.

Try some more basic network layer stuff -- can you ping it? telnet to
port 80? if yes on the latter, you're good. Also, apply a little
thought-powder and do some troubleshooting, or explain to us what
you've done -- can you get the pages locally? How about with PF turned

More info will help!

Yes, more troubleshooting on Bray's part would help.  He needs to
build some basic routines when he encounters troubles like these.
Basically if I don't have a good idea where the problem might lay I
start from the bottom and work up.  For me a simple routine in this
case would be to rule out network configs, rule out PF, rule out DNS
issues, and rule out httpd issues with some intermediary steps between



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