Hi all,

I have a problem to get a stable IPsec connection running from my OpenBSD 
4.1 host to some kind of VPN appliance.

ike active esp from to \
       local peer \
       main auth hmac-md5 enc 3des group grp2 \
       quick auth hmac-md5 enc aes group modp1024 \
       psk "MySecretPassPhrase"

ipsecctl -s all shows me the flows in and out and the SAD' too, and 
netstat -rn -f encap shows me a route too. But in /var/log/messages I see 
the following:

Jun 15 07:56:15 vpn1 isakmpd[21808]: message_negotiate_sa: no compatible 
proposal found
Jun 15 07:56:15 vpn1 isakmpd[21808]: dropped message from port 
500 due to notification type 

And after some minutes (or hours, don't know exactly) the tunnel is vanished 
from netstat -rn -f encap and ipsecctl -s all.

How does the tunnel show up in the routing, and ipsecctl -s all, when "no 
compatible proposal found"?

Do I can find out when I start with debug output, what the right proposal 
would be ?

kind regards

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