On 6/16/07, frantisek holop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
amaaq> netstat -naf inet
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)
ip         0      0  *.*                    *.*                    17
i really can't wrap my head around the first line.
what is state 17?  proto ip?
how can i track down what this is?

Well, you can track down what the '17' is by reading the netstat
source to see where it gets that value.  Turns out to be from the ip_p
member of the ip part of the PCB, which holds the protocol number.
The name<-->number mapping for protocol values is found in
/etc/protocols, where you'll see that 17 is the protocol number for

Okay, but that doesn't explain why the kernel would have such an
entry.  AFAICT, the entries in the proto ip section show sockets
created with
   socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, real_proto)

I.e., a socket which the application can use to send arbitrary IP
packets with the indicated protocol field.  In this case, lets a
program send arbitrary UDP packets.  (It can't be used to receive them
because SOCK_RAW sockets are never passed UDP (or TCP) packets.)

A little rumination about which programs might want to do that
suggests dhclient as the culprit, as normal UDP processing can't be
used to send DHCP requests for interfaces that don't have an address
already assigned.  Sure enough, kill dhclient and that netstat entry
vanishes.  Restart it and the entry reappears.

Philip Guenther

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