This is part of the strong psuedo-random number generator:

$ grep -ir enqueue_randomness /usr/src/sys/*
/usr/src/sys/dev/rnd.c:enqueue_randomness(state, val)
/usr/src/sys/dev/rndvar.h:#define add_true_randomness(d) enqueue_randomness(RND_SRC_TRUE, (int)(d)) /usr/src/sys/dev/rndvar.h:#define add_timer_randomness(d) enqueue_randomness(RND_SRC_TIMER, (int)(d)) /usr/src/sys/dev/rndvar.h:#define add_mouse_randomness(d) enqueue_randomness(RND_SRC_MOUSE, (int)(d)) /usr/src/sys/dev/rndvar.h:#define add_tty_randomness(d) enqueue_randomness(RND_SRC_TTY, (int)(d)) /usr/src/sys/dev/rndvar.h:#define add_disk_randomness(d) enqueue_randomness(RND_SRC_DISK, (int)(d)) /usr/src/sys/dev/rndvar.h:#define add_net_randomness(d) enqueue_randomness(RND_SRC_NET, (int)(d)) /usr/src/sys/dev/rndvar.h:#define add_audio_randomness(d) enqueue_randomness(RND_SRC_AUDIO, (int)(d)) /usr/src/sys/dev/rndvar.h:#define add_video_randomness(d) enqueue_randomness(RND_SRC_VIDEO, (int)(d))
/usr/src/sys/dev/rndvar.h:void enqueue_randomness(int, int);

Are you doing something strong with Cryptography?


On Tue, 19 Jun 2007, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:

Luca Losio wrote:
Hi all,
I'm having a lot of crashes with my 4.1 since I updated from 4.0 ...the
console output is:

page fault trap code=0
stopped at enqueue_randomness+0xc5    addb    %al,0(%eax)

I tried checking the RAM (Memtest runned 20 hours withour any error and I
used this box with another ram stick) and I get the same result..a crash
every 10-15 hours. Any suggestion?

read .

it contains the following wisdom "*This is essential whenever possible. Panic reports without panic message, traceback and ps output are useless."*


        -lava (Brian A. Seklecki - Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

    "Guilty? Yeah. But he knows it. I mean, you're guilty.
    You just don't know it. So who's really in jail?"
    ~Maynard James Keenan

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