Artur Grabowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> And don't forget the aps(4) sensor on Thinkpads! The accelerometer can
> probably measure the acceleration caused by various key strokes and that
> acceleration will be different depending on where on the keyboard you hit
> (different angles) and with which finger (different strength).

Now that last bit is almost certainly pure speculation, since, as the
aps man page says, IBM has not provided any useful documentation.  Who
knows what a suitably knowledgeable attacker who sits patiently
waiting for your keystrokes to be caught by the sensors could do with
the data?  Don't ask me, ask USENET.

Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
"First, we kill all the spammers" The Usenet Bard, "Twice-forwarded tales"
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