On 6/21/07, Jeff Santos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
sockaddrs: <DST>
My question are:

1. Is this address an IPv6 one? Can I find out who is asking for
it and why?

Yes, it's an IPv6 address.  It's almost certainly being asked for by
named in the course of trying to resolve some name: that address is of
a DNS server.

2. How can I tell named not to deal with IPv6?

If you don't have real IPv6 connectivity, you should probably add "-4"
to the value of named_flags you set in your /etc/rc.conf.local, so
that named won't try to query nameservers with IPv6 address.  Indeed,
that may completely solve your issue.

Oh, and you should consider passing 'route monitor' the -n option to
suppress address->name lookups.  When you're looking at local routing
info, the numbers usually are more helpful, in my experience.

Philip Guenther

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