Thanks, one more question, What is the difference between:

rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $pubip -> $privip
binat on $ext_if from $privip to any -> $pubip

Do I need both ?


On 6/23/07, Ryan McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 09:50:36PM -0600, Jose H. wrote:
> Can anybody tell me what is wrong with this rules ?

Is it source port or destination port? You're missing 'from any' or 'to
any' at least, and for a good security policy you should explicitly
specify source and/or destination IP addresses whenever possible.

Also, if this is 4.1 you don't need 'keep state' and 'flags S/SA',
they're on by default.

> pass on $ext_if inet proto tcp port $servicios_baseline_tcp flags S/SA
> keep state
> pass on $ext_if inet proto udp port $servicios_baseline_udp
> keep state
> pass on $ext_if inet proto icmp icmptype $servicios_baseline_icmp
> keep state

You should be the change that you want to see in the world.
   - Gandhi

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