On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 11:27:11PM -0400, Alex Feldman wrote:
> Hi Andrew
> You crash dump doesn't show that it crashed on san driver. I'm saying that
> this is not the problem with san driver but it doesn't show any driver
> related function in crash trace. 

I do not see that either.  However, I am not familier with the internals
of the OpenBSD kernel.  Theo is, and he seems to think it is a san
issue.  At this point I trust his judgment above yours.

My suggestion would be to provide the documentation that the OpenBSD
team is looking for so that they can prove one way or another where the
problems are and improve the code for everyone.

> For both Andrew and Richard: 
> 1. If you can send me the crash trace that includes san driver function that
> will be helpful.

I expect that it would, unfortunatly, I cannot reproduce this problem on
command.  It only happened the one day so far and I have no idea what
caused it.

How about, while waiting for more information on this problem, you see
if you can do anything about a problem I can repeat.  It causes me no
end of trouble because it makes both routers DDB any time I soft boot
them.  That means I can't upgrade the version of OpenBSD on them

This I attribute to the san stuff because it doesn't happen in any of
the other machines I am running OpenBSD on.  You may notice that the
trace for this one also doesn't reference any san driver calls. 

You can see it in bug number 5404:


In bug 4484, someone else seems to have had similar issues:


Who knows, getting the OpenBSD developers the documentation they need so
they can fix that issue will coincidently fix the one I am complaining
about now.

> 2. Can you send me the configuration for ppp/Wanpipe and details instruction
> how to get this crash; I'll try to resolve this issue.

Here is the configuration on the interfaces that seemed to cause the
issue this last time.  They are they only lines I have that are
PROTO=ppp, the rest are HDLC (PROTO=cisco).

$ sudo sanconfig san2

Hardware configuration for san2:
AFT-A102   : SLOT=8 : BUS=0 : IRQ=10 : CPU=A : PORT=PRI

Interface configuration for san2:

$ sudo sanconfig san3

Hardware configuration for san3:
AFT-A102   : SLOT=8 : BUS=0 : IRQ=10 : CPU=B : PORT=PRI

Interface configuration for san3:

For the other, I will just quote what I wrote before.

> From: andrew fresh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > There are two resons I believe it is the Sangoma driver causing the
> > problem.
> > 
> > The first is the message from Theo that you can read in the archives
> > here:
> > 
> > http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=118246162917905&w=2
> > 
> > where he said "I suggest you call [Sangoma]".
> > 
> > 
> > The second being the logs.  They are in the messages linked above, but
> > just before the router locked up there were san messages in
> > /var/log/messages and on the console there is "san2: LCP keepalive
> > timeout".

And this:
> > I am not
> > sure what triggers this problem and it has not happened again since the
> > times mentioned in that email so it is fairly difficult to debug.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Pentium FDIV bug

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