On Tue, 03 Jul 2007 03:39:51 +0000
"Douglas Maus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Could someone help me understand IP addresses, DNS, and
> Kerberos on OpenBSD?
> I was getting "incorrect net address" when trying to kinit,
> and I found that switching 2 lines in /etc/hosts
> putting first
> auth.my.realm auth
> before
>  ::1 auth.my.realm auth
> fixed this, but I don't understand this and I suspect this means
> I'm doing something else wrong.

When kinit asks for a ticket i encodes the hosts address in the
request. The KDC then compares the encoded address with the address in
the IP-header and if they don't match you'll get this error.

> I started the kdc: # /usr/libexec/kdc &
> but when I tried
>  # kinit admin
>   or
>  # kinit admin --no-address
> I got "incorrect net address"

Options goes before the pricipal, i.e.

# kinit --no-addresses admin

There are some configuration options that affects this as well; search

Bjvrn Sandell               Chalmers University of Technology
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