On Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 10:22:50AM +0200, Raimo Niskanen wrote:
> Hi again, sorry to bother you again but who else would know?
> Can ayone make an educated guess on what has the best
> possibility to work for OpenBSD 4.1: 
> * US Robotics USB modem
> * Other USB modem (Sweex)
> * ZONET ZFM5600 MODEM PC-CARD that is supposed "have drivers" for Linux
> * Any Serial line modem (Sweex) that claims to do AT commands

For the archives:

The ZONET ZFM5600 MODEM PC-CARD works perfectly with OpenBSD (4.1).
It has a hardware-only Intel chipset. I would have posted
a dmsg snipplet if I had the machine here.


/ Raimo Niskanen, Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB

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