Todd Pytel wrote:
> ...If it
> matters, this is going to be lightweight, home server kind of stuff. 

There's the answer to your question: For your app, it just won't matter.
You've spent more time asking, and others (including myself) have spent
more time answering your question than you will ever personally benefit
(i.e., more work done at the end of the day/week/month).

Optimizing for a 1% or even a 20% performance difference is rarely
worth the effort for "end-of-day" productivity (major exception: when
it is part of a number of other 20% optimizations.  Another major
exception is when you are really close to the limit for something, but
then, you generally need to be working out a better strategy, not
getting just barely getting by a little longer).  If you honestly
believe you will benefit from such an optimization, you can and need to
do your own benchmarks.  There are just too many variables in your
question to be asked and answered in the way you asked it.  For
  * VMware version
  * VMware host hardware
  * Other system load
  * OpenBSD load
  * etc...

Practically speaking, if you are worried about performance, you
probably don't want to be in a virtualization environment.  If you
are trying to optimize for the sake of optimizing, there are probably
a lot better ways of spending your (and our!) time.


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