On 7/13/07, TuxR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I trying to use OpenBSD under high load and have problems with PF.

When there is very many connections to server in some point other
connections  just failes.

I try to use simple test application that creates 1000 connections to
server for 1000 iteration. Maximum number I have observed with pf was
'12' but with 'pfctl -d' all cycle successfully works ('1000').

I try to use following simple test application:

Also I have looked the same when testing 'ab' from apache2
distribution. 'ab -c 100 -n 100' : maximum 9 iteration with pf enabled
and 100 without.

There is instant connection closing if "keep state" is enabled. When
"keep state" is disabled there is  following behaviour: in some moment
the program is waiting for reply but do not get it and connection also
close because timeout.

I have looked no problems in tcpdump reports. Also no blocked packets
was in pflog0 interface ('block log all' rule)

I am sure that states limit is not exceed. Now I have

set limit states                        500000
set limit src-nodes                     50000
set limit frags                         32000

And `pfctl -si` have normal values.

'antispoof' and 'scrub' options are not affected. 'set optimization'
make more bad.

I looked the same behaviour in real use: when there is many
connection, in some point they just closed.

Any help will be appropriated. Many thanks.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.

Study the execellent 3 part series of OpenBSD developer at
If after following his advice, your firewall still does not perform
adequately come back here with a posting of:

1) dmesg to see what kind of hardware you are using

2) vmstat -i output to show the interrupt rate of the NICs
Using  'systat vmstat" will give you a 'live' view of the interrupt
rate and other resources

3) netstat -m output to see the mbuf stats

4) your pf.conf

Others may have additional suggestions of course ;)


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