On 7/13/07, Matthieu Herrb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/13/07, Andris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I just got a computer yesterday, which has an ASRock 755i65G*
> motherboard, with an Intel 865G* chipset, 512 MB of RAM, and a
> ViewSonic E70f+* monitor. I'm using OpenBSD 4.1-stable (i386/GENERIC).
> I tried to make it run under 1024x768, 24bpp, a h-sync of 30~70kHz and
> a v-sync of 50~160Hz). I can't make X run on it, I've tried i810(4),
> whose man page says it supports my integrated video solution (865G).
> But the X server crashes after showing the cursor for a sec.
> Here is the X log:

From you log, the X server is ok. The problem looks more like a
problem with your .xinitrc or something like that.

Can you tell us how you startx X, and try to capture the command's
stdout and stderr ?

If you're running ksh or bash, this should be something like

startx > startx.log 2>&1

and then look at startx.log for obvious errors, or share it here if
you don't see anything meaningful for you.

Hi, after moving .xinitrc to .xinitrc.bak I could start X with no
problems, and it doesn't crash :)

I had this line in it:
exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xset r rate 250 50

It worked with a previous computer, didn't think it would cause
problems. Shouldn't it affect only the keyboard?

Anyway, thank so much, I've tried so different things, and couldn't solve it

Again, thanks!

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