Ok , i had followed the instructions at http://openbsdsupport.org/mysql.htm

And now i have this configuration:

I start mysql with this script:

# cat /usr/local/bin/mysql.start
if [ -x /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe ] ; then
    su -c _mysql root -c '/usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe &' > /dev/null &
echo -n ' mysql'

That properly starts it with the correct login class.

My login.conf for mysql is:

       # :openfiles=8192:\

I want to set infinity on those now just for testing, if everything works
fine i will put some limits there.

My kern.maxfiles:

# sysctl kern.maxfiles

And my.cnf has :

socket = /var/www/logs/mysql/mysql.sock
tmpdir = /var/mysql/tmp
open_files_limit = 10000
max_connections = 4096
sql-mode = MYSQL40
table_cache = 5000
query_cache_size = 64M
thread_cache = 32
key_buffer = 128M
long_query_time = 5
thread_concurrency = 2


sort_buffer_size = 32M
read_buffer_size = 2M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 4M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M


open_files_limit = 10000
max_connections = 4096

socket = /var/www/logs/mysql/mysql.sock


The server has more than 100 databases, it's been working fine for about a
year .
A couple of days ago i found that no database could be accessed . Errors
like this appear:
070714 16:15:57 [ERROR] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file:
'./ip041271_tan1/mos_weblinks.frm' (errno: 9)
070714 16:15:57 [ERROR] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file:
'./ip041271_tan1/mos_weblinks.frm' (errno: 9)

I restart the server and everything goes back to normal , but i reach my
limits if i execute a:

mysqlcheck -m -A -p

By the moment the limits are reached, i noticed that this values Open_files
and Opened_tables reached:

mysql> show status like '%Open%';
| Variable_name          | Value |
| Com_ha_open            | 0     |
| Com_show_open_tables   | 0     |
| Open_files             | 2031  |
| Open_streams           | 0     |
| Open_tables            | 1053  |
| Opened_tables          | 0     |
| Slave_open_temp_tables | 0     |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

or for example

mysql> show status like 'open%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| Open_files    | 2030  |
| Open_streams  | 0     |
| Open_tables   | 1077  |
| Opened_tables | 0     |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I know i must be doing something wrong, but i just can't find out what .
I still don't know why i reach limits with mysqlcheck when i am setting
all those values right. I guess the limit i'm reaching is Open_files .
The question is , why?


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