On Tue, 24 Jul 2007 06:01:07 -0500, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:

>for domains that have multiple MX records, it might be nice to have all 
>those IPs whitelisted when sending to that domain. maybe this is already 
>done or there is a reason it isn't :). guess someone could publish a 
>list of bogus IPs in their MX records...

Outgoing server pools do not have MX records .........

Some biggies use SPF (Bob Beck has good info in a presentation about
why you would not use it at your own MX to check incoming mail) and
those usually provide records that you can access with dig or host. Use
-ttxt and see. e.g. _spf.google.com has a /16, a /17, a/ 18, two /19s
and a /20 which you can add by hand to your own whitelist if you trust
all gmail clients.

>From the land "down under": Australia.
Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over?

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