If I am interpreting the logs correctly then I have partial success using

ike dynamic esp tunnel from any to \
main  auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
quick auth hmac-sha2-256 enc 3des \
psk abc123

I am confident that the first two lines are correct. The dynamic variable
should be correct if the incoming IP address is different for every user.
Line two should be OK since it appears I have a successful Phase 1. I've
SSH'd into the endpoint and run tcpdump against my external interface and
enc0. I have also used "ipssectl -m". So far I have not picked up any new
clues to help resolve the remainder of the problem.

Man ipsec.conf says the default authentication for phase 2 is hmac-sha2-256
so I am reasonably confident that is correct. I suspect it is the remainder
of my config where I am having trouble.

Log out put from Greenbow:

20070813 181803 Default (SA Home_Network-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode  [SA]
20070813 181803 Default (SA Home_Network-P1) RECV phase 1 Main Mode  [SA]
20070813 181803 Default (SA Home_Network-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode
20070813 181803 Default (SA Home_Network-P1) RECV phase 1 Main Mode
20070813 181804 Default (SA Home_Network-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode  [HASH]
20070813 181804 Default (SA Home_Network-P1) RECV phase 1 Main Mode  [HASH]
20070813 181804 Default phase 1 done: initiator id, responder
id gateway.home.lan
20070813 181804 Default (SA Home_Network-Home_Network-P2) SEND phase 2 Quick
Mode  [HASH] [SA] [NONCE] [ID] [ID]
20070813 181804 Default (SA Home_Network-P1) RECV Informational  [HASH]
20070813 181804 Default (SA <unknown>) RECV phase 2 Quick Mode  [HASH] [SA]
20070813 181804 Default message_negotiate_incoming_sa: no compatible
proposal found

Log out put from "ipsecctl -m"

# ipsecctl -m (full IP partial obscured for security. A/B for source and X/Y
for dest)

sadb_getspi: satype esp vers 2 len 10 seq 5 pid 29253

        address_src: 64.119.aa.bbb

        address_dst: 64.119.xx.yy

        spirange: min 0x00000100 max 0xffffffff

sadb_getspi: satype esp vers 2 len 10 seq 5 pid 29253

        sa: spi 0xc1fe759d auth none enc none

                state mature replay 0 flags 0

        address_src: 64.119.aa.bbb
        address_dst: 64.119.xx.yy

The line "sa: spi 0xc1fe759d auth none enc none" is not very encouraging.

Output of tcpdump on the external interface:

Aug 13 18:04:38.881175 64.119.aa.bbb.500 > 64.119.xx.yy.500: isakmp
v1.0exchange ID_PROT

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->0000000000000000 msgid: 00000000 len: 160

Aug 13 18:04:38.901502 64.119.xx.yy.500 > 64.119.aa.bbb.500: isakmp
v1.0exchange ID_PROT

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 00000000 len: 180

Aug 13 18:04:39.027590 64.119.aa.bbb.500 > 64.119.xx.yy.500: isakmp
v1.0exchange ID_PROT

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 00000000 len: 228

Aug 13 18:04:39.082435 64.119.xx.yy.500 > 64.119.aa.bbb.500: isakmp
v1.0exchange ID_PROT

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 00000000 len: 228

Aug 13 18:04:39.216764 64.119.aa.bbb.4500 > 64.119.xx.yy.4500:udpencap:isakmp
v1.0 exchange ID_PROT encrypted

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 00000000 len: 92

Aug 13 18:04:39.219939 64.119.xx.yy.4500 > 64.119.aa.bbb.4500:udpencap:isakmp
v1.0 exchange ID_PROT encrypted

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 00000000 len: 108

Aug 13 18:04:39.281029 64.119.aa.bbb.4500 > 64.119.xx.yy.4500:udpencap:isakmp
v1.0 exchange QUICK_MODE encrypted

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 0ad31636 len: 148

Aug 13 18:04:39.283292 64.119.xx.yy.4500 > 64.119.aa.bbb.4500:udpencap:isakmp
v1.0 exchange INFO encrypted

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 8e806e2e len: 68

Aug 13 18:04:40.546782 64.119.xx.yy.29337 > v4 client
strat 0 poll 0 prec 0 [tos 0x10]

Aug 13 18:04:40.767452 > 64.119.xx.yy.29337: v4 server
strat 2 poll 0 prec -20 (DF)

Aug 13 18:04:42.084865 > OSPFv2-hello 56: [len 44]
[tos 0xc0] [ttl 1]

Aug 13 18:04:44.012876 > 64.119.xx.yy.60719: udp 490 (DF)
[tos 0xb8]

Aug 13 18:04:44.048339 64.119.xx.yy.60719 > udp 488 [tos

Aug 13 18:04:44.227369 64.119.xx.yy.4500 > 64.119.aa.bbb.4500:udpencap:isakmp
v1.0 exchange INFO encrypted

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 14800c89 len: 84

Aug 13 18:04:44.288706 64.119.aa.bbb.4500 > 64.119.xx.yy.4500:udpencap:isakmp
v1.0 exchange INFO encrypted

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 894489f9 len: 84

Aug 13 18:04:45.068700 64.119.xx.yy.60719 > udp 680 [tos

Aug 13 18:04:45.135503 > 64.119.xx.yy.60719: udp 429 (DF)
[tos 0xb8]

Aug 13 18:04:45.138701 > 64.119.xx.yy.60719: udp 511 (DF)
[tos 0xb8]

Aug 13 18:04:45.214069 64.119.xx.yy.60719 > udp 679 [tos

Aug 13 18:04:45.278437 > 64.119.xx.yy.60719: udp 428 (DF)
[tos 0xb8]

Aug 13 18:04:45.284029 > 64.119.xx.yy.60719: udp 502 (DF)
[tos 0xb8]

Aug 13 18:04:46.283575 64.119.aa.bbb.4500 > 64.119.xx.yy.4500:udpencap:isakmp
v1.0 exchange QUICK_MODE encrypted

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 0ad31636 len: 148

Aug 13 18:04:46.285752 64.119.xx.yy.4500 > 64.119.aa.bbb.4500:udpencap:isakmp
v1.0 exchange INFO encrypted

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 9f27d1b8 len: 68

Aug 13 18:04:49.297312 64.119.xx.yy.4500 > 64.119.aa.bbb.4500:udpencap:isakmp
v1.0 exchange INFO encrypted

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 487550f6 len: 84

Aug 13 18:04:49.359347 64.119.aa.bbb.4500 > 64.119.xx.yy.4500:udpencap:isakmp
v1.0 exchange INFO encrypted

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: dbf97e96 len: 84

Aug 13 18:04:51.934026 > 64.119.xx.yy.60719: udp 490 (DF)
[tos 0xb8]

Aug 13 18:04:51.974240 64.119.xx.yy.60719 > udp 488 [tos

Aug 13 18:04:52.085330 > OSPFv2-hello 56: [len 44]
[tos 0xc0] [ttl 1]

Aug 13 18:04:52.568919 64.119.xx.yy.60719 > udp 678 [tos

Aug 13 18:04:52.635457 > 64.119.xx.yy.60719: udp 427 (DF)
[tos 0xb8]

Aug 13 18:04:52.638864 > 64.119.xx.yy.60719: udp 509 (DF)
[tos 0xb8]

Aug 13 18:04:52.714580 64.119.xx.yy.60719 > udp 679 [tos

Aug 13 18:04:52.779577 > 64.119.xx.yy.60719: udp 428 (DF)
[tos 0xb8]

Aug 13 18:04:52.783972 > 64.119.xx.yy.60719: udp 502 (DF)
[tos 0xb8]

Aug 13 18:04:54.070587 64.119.xx.yy.60719 > udp 732 [tos

Aug 13 18:04:54.151875 > 64.119.xx.yy.60719: udp 473 (DF)
[tos 0xb8]

Aug 13 18:04:54.157066 > 64.119.xx.yy.60719: udp 839 (DF)
[tos 0xb8]

Aug 13 18:04:54.217573 64.119.xx.yy.60719 > udp 401 [tos

Aug 13 18:04:54.367377 64.119.xx.yy.4500 > 64.119.aa.bbb.4500:udpencap:isakmp
v1.0 exchange INFO encrypted

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: 2790d6db len: 84

Aug 13 18:04:54.423352 64.119.aa.bbb.4500 > 64.119.xx.yy.4500:udpencap:isakmp
v1.0 exchange INFO encrypted

        cookie: 46e4aa106358ddb5->26193c745679a129 msgid: cf3a0e5e len: 84

I don't think it is a PF rule, but if anyone is looking at this my PF rules
for IPSEC are:

## Pass IPSEC/VPN traffic ##
Set skip on enc0
pass in  on $ext_if proto udp from any to $ext_if port {500, 4500}
pass out on $ext_if proto udp from $ext_if to any port {500, 4500}
pass in  on $ext_if proto esp from any to $ext_if
pass out on $ext_if proto esp from $ext_if to any
pass in  on enc0 proto ipencap from any to $ext_if keep state (if-bound)
pass out on enc0 proto ipencap from $ext_if to any keep state (if-bound)

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