(Sorry for the spam, but I do not have all email addresses of all
people interested in Obsd-Berlin)


it was a bit of a damp squib, wasn't it? From the posts only Gabriel
and I popped up! But of course, we can understand, many of you had
some unforeseen events and had to cancel. No problemo!!

Fortunately Olaf and Wolfram (I hope I spelled the names correctly)
spontaneously joined and we had have some drinks!

But we are stubborn and histrionically pigheaded!

We'll have a second attempt to gather as many as we can!

What about
                                     OpenBSD metting
                           next Sunday 26th 16h00 at Tuffstein

? ("meeting" as in "hen party" or "coffee klatsch")

Coordinates: Leberstra_e 2, Schvneberg (S-Schvneberg / Bus 106,
Czeminskistra_e stop)


Let me know...

Gabriel, Olaf and Wolfram: Nice to meet you!


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