On Sunday 19 August 2007, vladas wrote:
> > There will often be a reason to ask for help. It comes more readily
> > when the question is accompanied by evidence of what the person has
> > done to get to where s/he is. Often it's then just a clarification
> > that's needed, or evidence like log entries will allow a guru to
> > spot the problem.
> I do not know who you are, but you do not have the guru attitude.


It seems you are familiar with attitude of gurus from other mountains...

When someone is lucky enough to get help from any one of OpenBSD gurus, 
the help is nearly always delivered in the form of pointing you to the 
correct direction, and often includes the bonus of a swift, but 
friendly, kick in the rear to help you get going on your merry way.

Surprisingly, the latter part of the "help" does increase your long term 
memory of the event, the solution, and how to find the next solution on 
your own. After a decade of being on the receiving end of such help, I 
can tell you I've learned a lot from it, and continue to learn from it.


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