Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
swapped out a spamd host last night and ended up doing some ksh scripting to get the spamdb up to date on the new machine. also have connected the old host with the new one using the sync (-y & -Y) options for spamd and spamlogd, and these options are working fine and are quite neat.

a couple of questions come to mind after having done this:

- is there a better way to migrate a spamd database from one machine to the other without using scripts like

pfctl -t spamd-white -T show | sed "s/ //g" > spamd-white.clean.txt (on old host)
for i in `cat spamd-white.clean.txt`; do spamd -a $i; done; (on new host)

to do the job?

- is it feasible or desirable to have a "merge on start" switch for spamd/spamlogd synced hosts? i'm thinking something like the -s switch in ntpd so that you can fully sync-up two spamd hosts in the following situations: (1) one host starts from scratch and pulls the entire database from the other one (2) one host goes down for a while and needs to catch-up with its fellow synced spamd hosts once restored

it's not clear to me whether case (2) is already taken care of. also noticed that there was no mention of what port the synchronization uses between machines, but tcpdump-ing makes it clear that it occurs on the usual spamd port, 8025 UDP.


Just copy /var/db/spamd from the old to the new host, so you get all other
information as well (WHITE, SPAMTRAP, GREY, expire records).

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