On Tue, 21 Aug 2007, nicodache wrote:

> when getting the stage 2 boot loading prompt, I also get the following 
> message :
> probing: pc0 com0 mem[639K 1023M a20=on]
> disk: fd0 fd1 hd0+ hd1+
> >> OpenBSD/i386 BOOT 2.13
> boot >
> So, my installation sees an com port. is that because it is physically
> detected ? or because it is configured in the /etc/ttys file ?

/etc/ttys isn't mounted yet.  At this point you can have anything
in /etc/ttys ... /etc/ttys is for getty, later, after the system
is booted.

At this point, "boot>", you're looking at a hardware probe.


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