Thank you to all for the excellent input. I'm now officially upgraded. It feels good, nice and... fresh! I've started reading/learning about CVS. Again, thank you all!


Joachim Schipper wrote:
On Sun, Aug 26, 2007 at 04:17:57PM -0500, Sean Darby wrote:
1. Would it be possible to address the issue of new port tree in some more detail after system upgrade in the FAQ?

I suppose it would be, but you're the first to ask this. (Somewhat

I have followed the steps provided on the site's FAQ for upgrading my system (I have 4.0 now, going to 4.1). (...) I will follow the
provided steps for the upgrade including the "final steps" (upgrading
/etc and individual packages).

I figured that if I'll be making any possible manual upgrades on packages after the system is upgraded, I might as well "up" the ports too.

I presently have the default /usr/ports/* that comes with 4.0, I'd like to "up" that to the /usr/ports/* that comes with 4.1.

What would be a safe process in doing that?

The fastest solution is to just use `cvs up'. (Or cvs -qd
<your_favourite_anoncvs_mirror> up -P /usr/ports, as the case may be.)

The easiest solution is probably to delete your ports tree and untar
ports.tar.gz from 4.1.

I'm aware of individual/manual updates of packages, as with pkg_add -u (app), though am aiming for updating/upgrading the entire port tree structure (not download everything, just the tree that points me in the right direction within which the potentially new versions of apps would be available in 4.1).

I see in the site's FAQ 15.3.2, "Fetching the ports tree", basics like:

$ ftp

However, the basic warning, "Before continuing, you must read the section about NOT mixing up your OpenBSD system and ports tree." ...leads to the section talking about "crazy errors" (doesn't really help much beyond linking back onto itself).

The important part to remember is that after a system upgrade, none of
your ports is guaranteed to work until you upgrade them (although
OpenBSD goes to great lengths to make sure they do keep working, and
pretty much anything that does not interact directly with the kernel
keeps working - things like pfstat and OpenAFS might break).
In particular, just having a 4.0 port installed on the system should not
be a problem.

On the other hand, trying to install 4.0 ports on a 4.1 system, or the
other way around, can lead to `weird problems'. This is what is meant by
`mixing up your OpenBSD system and ports tree', and since quite a few
people try to do so (`I want that -current port, so let's update the
ports tree on my -stable system and install it - hey, it doesn't
work!'), the FAQ makes an effort to make sure people `get this'.

My usual upgrade involves updating the base system, rebooting, pkg_add
-ui, and then updating whatever else I need (/usr/src, /usr/ports, ...).


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