On 9/2/07, Aaron Hsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I guess I'm doing some strange things here, and I hope that they are not going
> to come back to bite me. :-)
> Goal: To have an X Windows Two Monitor, One Video Card system running
> Hardware: Macbook Pro 2.16ghz Intel Core Duo w/ ATI Radeon Mobility X1600
> So far, the only way I have been able to get my system to work has been to run
> `X -configure' and then use the generated x.org configuration file in
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf. This has some problems.
>         1) Resolution is an ugly 1400x1050 (should be 1680x1050).
>         2) Display driver is Vesa
>         3) My external LCD (Apple HD Display) monitor is not recognized.

This is becoming a FAQ, but apparently things have not been said
loudly enough yet to be found by the search engines while you were
doing your homework.

the ATI X1600 chipset is not supported by the radeon driver in X.Org,
only by the vesa driver for now. A new driver (avivo) is being
developped, and hopefully will be supported on OpenBSD in the future,
but not yet.

The vesa driver only supports mode known by the BIOS. It does not use
modlines you may add to your xorg.conf. So if the Xorg.0.log file
shows that a 1680x1050 more is present in your bios, you should be
able to use it...

If the mode that matches your monitor's native resolution is not
present in the BIOS, you're on you own. Tools like i915resolution
*may* work to "patch" the bios to replace one useless mode by the mode
you're looking for.

Matthieu Herrb

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