On Mon, 10 Sep 2007, Stuart Henderson wrote:

> On 2007/09/10 23:54, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
> > oh, so that's what happened when I put my new 4GB USB stick into a
> > Windows machine.  On OpenBSD, it just mounted like regular (but
> > looking at messages right now it actually shows up as an emulated CD
> > plus the regular drive)
> Kinda like huawei e220 (except that one hides the real device until
> it's poked by a driver). I think this method of not having to ship a
> CDROM with the devices will become the norm very quickly.
CDROM images for drivers [as a reference] are fine, .. but U3
*autoinstalls* a driver on the host system! Any machine that detects the
autorun is susceptable to being hosed by U3, hence the warning. The CD is
not for drivers, but it's for installing THEIR stupid SW on YOUR machine
on every insertion.

If the prices weren't so low, it wouldn't be worth purchasing them.


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