On Tue, Sep 11, 2007 at 10:31:31AM -0700, snowcrash+openbsd wrote:
> > it does this offline after one delay
> well, fair enough, then.
> what, then, is the MINIMUM value of that delay?
> "1 minute" is obviouly OK.
> *is* zero delay "code functional" (does it *break* anything)?  i.e.,
> the second attempt (after one "zero" delay ...) is passed?
> afaict, delays in seconds are NOT allowed, are they? just integer-minutes?

You *do* understand that the second attempt can occur at any random time
of the sending MTA's choice, or even never?

Just use your MTA's built-in features.


TFMotD: trpt (8) - transliterate protocol trace

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