* Bob Beck <beck> [2007-09-14 08:14]:
> * Craig Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-09-14 02:58]:
> > Daniel Ouellet wrote:

>       Doesn't this simply sound like making free software developers
> and users lose their freedoms and work they've authored? Who wins? 
> probably the people who want to sell legal advice to people about
> complying with the GPL. I guess it's great if you're a lawyer.

        And before you think this is too far fetched - consider that the
GPL v3, unlike the others, drags patent stuff into the muck. Whether or
not you believe in this - because it's there means a lot more work for
lawyers with any company that uses this code and has patents. 

        If I were a lawyer I would see more use of the GPL v3 as being a
definate bull market for my services.  As opposed to something like the
BSD and isc licenses which are simple and based in copyright laws that
are more or less recognized internationally.

        Go look at an ISC/BSD license. then read the GPL v2, Then read the
GPL v3 - which one do you think is going to make companies buy more
lawyer time?  If you were a lawyer which one would you rather have a buch
of naiive computer geeks slapping all over code that later on companies
want to work with?


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