Am 16.09.2007 um 12:05 schrieb J.C. Roberts:

Can I ask a question here? You're getting worked up over nothing. Open Source doesn't work without Open Hardware. The level of the software is approaching a good level to use for Open Hardware, IMO. While it's your time to relax the hardware hackers are at
turn now, don't you think?


On Sunday 16 September 2007, Kyle Moffett wrote:
Secondly, what the HELL is with you guys and the personal
attacks?!?!?  You said I am "hopelessly misinformed, or a habitual

You are right and I apologize. I've received plenty of personal attacks
from your group, and failed to hold my temper when dealing with you.

You and the rest of the linux kernel devs need to realize there are a
lot of angry people who are tired of being ignored by the powers that
be in the GNU/FSF/GPL/SFLC. The claimed distinction between the linux
kernel, the linux operating system, the various linux distros, the GNU
project, the FSF, and the SFLC is pedantic at best to the rest of the
outside world. As far as everyone else on the outside is concerned, you
are all one large project working together.

When some part of your project is indulging in code theft, it makes all
of you look bad, regardless if it's upstream, downstream, sidestream or
otherwise. When linux/gpl developers and linux/gpl lawyers refuse to
take a stance against code theft, you look like one big happy family
doing everything you can to put as much code as possible under your
preferred license regardless if it's illegal or immoral.

I knew darn well that I wouldn't be winning any new friends in the
linux/gpl/gnu camp by voicing an unpopular opinion to your project, but
after being ignored, you too would want to find the people on the other
side with the spine to stand up and say code theft is wrong.

Would you stand by quietly, tolerate being ignored, and accept delay
tactics of unethical lawyers if the roles were reverse?

Would you be willing to be called every untoward name in the book by
voicing your dissenting opinions clearly and loudly?

I have.


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