Hi All,

I'm using a Soekris box with OpenBSD 4.0 (sorry *g*) on my home soekris box.
Actual setup is one interface with a cable modem connected for internet use. 
The cable modem provider talks dhcp, so no pppoe magic involved.
Now I do have an old second DSL provider lying around, which I basically not 
use anymore.
However, the old DSL provider tries to get on my ass, and I figured, okay boys, 
if you don't let me outta this contract, I'll use your uplink to the max 24/7 
(while true; do wget -O /dev/null http://something.iso; done).

I know my way to configure pppoe and to dial in (without having pppoe modifying 
my default gw).

Question is:
How do I fiddle around with my routing table, that basically the wget running 
on my router is using sis2 (with the pppoe uplink), while the rest (my existing 
working lan) is still using sis0 with my good-guys cable modem uplink?

Any hints highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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