hmm, on Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 02:50:41PM -0700, Rob said that
> We just ran across an odd intermittent problem with email that we
> traced back to spamd showing up as an open relay. I double-checked the
> documentation and mailing list archives and didn't find anything
> relevant. is great to have a look what an admin
left out/forgot/doesn't know :D

i was quite dismayed too when it showed me as an open relay...

but please note their wording:


Open relay test

WARNING: One or more of your mailservers appears to be an open relay. If
so, this means that you are allowing spammers to freely use the
mailserver to send out spam! It is possible that your mailserver accepts
all E-mail and later bounces it, or accepts the relay attempt and then
deletes the E-mail, but this is not common.

WARNING: appears to be an open relay: 250 This is hurting you
more than it is hurting me. <br />

and they are right, it is not common.  but any service that would rely
on this kind of info _only_ (mail accepted but not checking if arrived)
should get a clue and rethink their strategy.

that said, i have no idea if this could be changed in a meaningful way
for spamd.  the best thing about it after all, is it's MTA/OS ignorance.

43.3% of all statistics are meaningless.

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