
Does anyone have any pointers for getting the HTML Tidy extensions working in PHP on OpenBSD? I am running a 4.0 system.

According to PHP's website, I do not need to download the version of Tidy from PECL, because Tidy is supposed to be built-in in PHP 5 (I have the PHP 5.1.4 package). Attempting to actually call those functions, though, results in a broken script (though, strangely, no error messages). After checking phpinfo(), I was able to see that the OpenBSD-supplied version is not compiled --with-tidy.

So I modified the Makefile in ports to include --with-tidy, and ran 'make'. No errors. But 'make install' fails. It appears that libphp5.so is never built-- all I have are libphp5.a and libphp5.la. Looking this stuff up on the web yields a lot of information about Linux and libtool, and frankly, I'm a little lost. I'd gladly forego recompiling PHP and just use the version from PECL, but that, too, fails; it does not put tisy.so into /var/www/lib/php/modules.

  Anyone have any suggestions?  Apparently I don't know what I don't know.


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