> Just one question regarding VPNs OpenBSD and HW, is there any recomendation
> for hardware? i mean, i want to setup a VPN between 2 offices and i need
> some reasonable speed.. with a computer with some recent hardware do i need
> any vpn card to accelerate encryptation/decryptation?

No, you don't need any specific hardware.

Many vendors invented crypto hardware for machines, but some of them
got it so wrong.  First off, machines have gotten more than fast
enough.  Secondly, AES was designed to be very fast on a native cpu.
Thirdly, many of the crypto engines required a "hand off to device,
get a reply later that it is complete", and this increased the latency
-- on slower machines where the crypto engine was supposed to speed
the crypto up it turned out to slow it down because the overhead was
so high.

The only designer that did the symmetric cipher stuff right was VIA
with their C3/C7 AES instructions.

You don't need any specific hardware;  Your machine is more than capable
of handling the crypto for a VPN.

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