Frank Bax wrote:
As you can see from my posts (wine and qemu); I am open to any solution that will allow me to run this app with performance approaching (preferably faster than) native P3-600. I'll donate C$100 to OpenBSD if it works before year-end - it's not much, but its more than US$100 for the first time in +30 years. Shucks, I'll probably make the donation anyway; after all, the cost of a cdrom has been constant for a couple of years now.

Holy screen savers Batman!!

Thank you Jona Joachim for posting a question answered in August.
Thank you Peter N. M. Hansteen for answering the same question twice.
Thanks especially to Richard Toohey for keeping me thinking about this issue off-list over the past few days (and the trip down memory lane); I could have easily missed todays emails as well.

I missed the initial thread discussing X11 speed on Lenovo laptop. Here I thought that problem had something to do with the fact I was using vesa driver and that it was unrelated to qemu performance.

I boot with acpi enabled and the data conversion is completed in 1:50 (down from 6:00); my target was 1:20 (speed on native P3-600). Close enough!

I just donated $100 to the project.  What a great team!


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