On 10/11/07, Dmitry Slobodchikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> My server freezed periodically like a log.
> I can't understand why. There are no any special software and non
> standard core, only packages from the same release.
> Server got router role and many people depend on it.
> Just freeze.......
> Please ask me additional information more than I send now-)

When it freezes, what's running? (ps aux/top will give you an idea).
When it freezes, who is it talking to? What do you run on this system?
Have you checked /var/logs for anything relevant? If it's a server, is
it maybe getting overloaded? Maybe your hardware is flakey (a dmesg
from just before the crash would be nice.. try rebooting and getting
the dmesg early on (single user?) before the previous one it gets
cleared and looking for errors.


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