Greetings list,

Long story short, we're moving from some alteon AD3's to openbsd, and in
support of that effort I've constructed a small testing environment
including two carp'd openbsd boxes running hoststated, and a single
webserver sitting behind them.

The problem is that I can't seem to get hoststated to recognize via
"check https digest" that the webserver is up and running.  Check http
works for the non-ssl side of the site, and changing the ssl check to
"check https code" yields an operational ssl rdr.  Since the webserver
runs a small healthcheck jsp which outputs simply "healthy", I'd like to
use the digest method if possible.

I'm generating the digest with:

wget -O - \
--no-check-certificate | sha1

I'm wondering how sensitive hoststated is to the certificate (might
"check https digest" fail because the server certificate and the name
I'm asking for don't match?), or could it be that hoststated computes
the https digest before the html output is decrypted?

Thanks advance for your help. Configs pasted below.

# Macros

table generic_vhosts {
        real port http
        check http "/healthcheck/tomcatok.jsp" digest
        host $intern_addr

table ssl_box {
        real port https
        check https "/dbghealth/tomcatok.jsp" code 200
        #check https "/healthcheck/tomcatok.jsp" digest
        host $intern_addr

service generic_http {
        virtual host $extern_addr port http interface fxp3
        tag HOSTSTATED
        table generic_vhosts

service ssl {
        virtual host $extern_addr port https interface fxp3
        tag HOSTSTATED
        table ssl_box

-dave josephsen

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]

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