You have failed to satisfactorily explain why running a specific application
in a VM is more secure then running it in a standard OS. It's nonsense that
you think it's more secure that way. It saves a lot of money, yes -- you
don't necessarily want a separate box just to run an application - but
that's not the debate here. The debate is about security, and I'm amazed
that you think a virtual environment is somehow more secure then a dedicated
non-virtual environment.

On 10/24/07, L. V. Lammert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Oct 2007, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > > The security benefits are at the application level, *NOT* at the OS
> level.
> >
> > What hogwash.
> >
> > The security benefits are at the "ability to buy a steak for dinner"
> > level.
> >
> Nah, I like steak, I hate enterprise computing.
> > You've already made the decision to decrease security by
> > de-compartmentalizing onto one physical box, so you are just thrilled
> > with the ability to decrease security more by de-compartmentalizing
> > the software further.
> >
> Quite the opposite!! A VM provides a safe, sane, decently
> compartmentalized way to run a specific application domain. It's obvious
> we have different viewpoints, but both are equally valid - your's from the
> OS, mine from the application.
>         Lee
> ================================================
>   Leland V. Lammert            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     Chief Scientist     Omnitec Corporation
> Network/Internet Consultants
> ================================================

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