Hi again,

Am Montag, 29. Okt 2007, 02:38:08 +0100 schrieb Bertram Scharpf:
> I just installed OpenBSD on a i386 from cd41.iso as
> described in the FAQ, chapter 4.
> When I restart the system from the CD all OpenBSD partitions
> show up properly and I can chroot into /mnt after I mounted
> them.
> However, Grub refuses to recognize any of the OpenBSD
> partitions. A Linux resides on the same disk that cannot
> mount any of these partitions either.
> Here is a `sfdisk' (Linux) output:
>   /dev/hdb1 : start=        1, size=    32255, Id=83
>   /dev/hdb2 : start=    32256, size=  2096640, Id=82
>   /dev/hdb3 : start=  2128896, size=117974304, Id= 5
>   /dev/hdb4 : start=        0, size=        0, Id= 0
>   /dev/hdb5 : start=  2128897, size=  4194287, Id=83
>   /dev/hdb6 : start=  6323185, size= 37748591, Id=a6, bootable
>   /dev/hdb7 : start= 44071777, size= 76031423, Id=8e
> And here is what I entered into `disklabel':
>           start       size     mountpoint
>   wd1a   6323185     524159    /
>   wd1b   6847344     524160    (swap)
>   wd1d   7371504     524160    /tmp
>   wd1e   7895664   12582864    /usr
>   wd1f  20478528    8388576    /home

First of all thanks to the off-list responders. I already
considered the chainloader option but as I installed no
bootloader this probably would not work.

I examined the Grub source code to find out where it looks
for BSD partitions. I found there is a sector containing the
BSD magic label and appropriate partitioning info. It's
sector 1, the second one on the disk == the first in slice
/dev/hdb1 or (hd1,0), respectively.


Sectors 6323185 and 6323186 are still untouched. I tried to
use the 'b' command in 'disklabel -E ..' but nothing went
better. I dd'ed sector 1 to 6323186 and voila - there they
are. Could this be the correct way that I first have to
damage another partition and then manually have to move a

When booting this system I run into the next problem:

  panic: /boot too old: upgrade!

Therefore I would like to try to install a bootloader and
chainload it. But with a 'disklabel' that overwrites
existing partitions?

Do I have to get used to struggle with such fundamental
problems when I proceed with OpenBSD?

Thank for reading so far,


Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

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