* Ted Unangst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-26 16:53]:
> On 10/26/07, Douglas A. Tutty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > What, then, is the correct way to separate the project files of more
> > > > than 16 projects, where some users will need access to all of the
> > > > groups?
> >
> > There has to be _some_ solution but it doesn't have to revolve around
> > groups.  Surely we don't need a separate box for every 16 projects (and
> > lets not get into another reason to use Xen :)) )
> >
> > Perhaps it putting the project files in CVS for individuals to check
> > out.  Perhaps its some database system.  I don't know.  I am confident
> > that there is a logical proper solution.
> ok, sure.  you can create a user account "projectN" for every project,
> then tell every user who wants access the password.  that's not a
> solution, that's changing the problem. :)
> when you say files, i think "files on the filesystem", not "files i
> can make copies of via scp".  i have no idea what you're trying to do,
> but if you really have so many projects and people and combinations
> and you care deeply about security, why _would_ you cram all this
> mayhem onto a single box?

        if you care deeply enough about security between the groups
that this matters, they shouldn't be sharing a filesystem. Get a
seperate machine per project, or seperate machine per groups of projects
that trust each other - something big enough to be a cvs sever is 
cheap like borscht.

        If you really want seamless file sharing across them. consider
if what you are attempting to do with groups is really all that wise
to begin with. but to really comment I'd need a much better description of
exactly what you're doing.  

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