On Sat, 3 Nov 2007, Karel Kulhavy wrote:

> > > 29174 clock     79   10   33M   15M run      -        0:00  4.25% rt
> > > 
> > > What is the "nice" state? I know what userspace, system, interrupt handler
> > > and idle task is, but nice?
> > 

> >From the replies I got (none of which actually answered my question) it looks
> like the "nice" state might be a state where the nice value != 0. Or less than
> zero would also make sense. But it could be also that OpenBSD has the nice()
> function like some other operating systems for giving up the scheduled time
> back to the system and then the nice state might show amount of time
> given up this way. So - what is the nice state printout actually?

>From my ancient answer to you, and I quote:

"Top's  48.7% nice here is telling you that the CPU is spending 48.7%
of its time executing tasks that are "niced".  If this includes
processes with negative "nice" values, I do not know; you could
peruse the kernel source or conduct an experiment to discover that,
if you care to."

I also referred you to two or three relevant man pages.

If that doesn't answer your trolling, disengenuous, never-read-a-manpage,
low-grade, losing, pre/sub-newbie question, then answering your questions
is impossible.

You are not worth further effort, kid.

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