On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 09:53:46AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> hi
> yes the em0 ist member of the /22 network and the carpdev opion ist an old 
> setting from the start of this cluster
> where i setup no ip on the interface.
> should i try this ip balancing whitout this option ?

No, it's redundant to use carpdev in this case, but it doesn't matter.

Do you see the traffic incoming on both machines?
Maybe the link2 mode works better for you...
Quoting from carp(4):

     Please note that activating stealth mode on a carp interface that has al-
     ready been running might not work instantly.  As a workaround the VHID
     can be changed to a previously unused one, or just wait until the MAC
     table entry in the switch times out.

     Some Layer-3 switches do port learning based on ARP packets.  Therefore
     the stealth mode cannot hide the virtual MAC address from these kind of
     devices.  In such cases, carp can be told to use a multicast MAC address
     by additionally enabling the link2 flag.

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