On 11/7/07, Martin Toft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm experiencing some mysterious transfer speed differences. I have a
> virtual Linux-server at HostEurope, Germany, and it appears that
> machines running OpenBSD can only download from the Linux-server with
> approx 300 kB/s, whereas machines running Linux can download with approx
> 1.5 MB/s from the server.
> I have conducted a small test to clarify what I'm talking about. The
> involved machines:
>   - sauerkraut.obsd.dk ( (Debian GNU/Linux, 2.6.9 kernel).
>   - gw.obelnet.dk ( (OpenBSD 4.2-stable).
>   - matrix.math.aau.dk ( (Ubuntu Linux, 2.6.20 kernel).
> sauerkraut.obsd.dk is the server at HostEurope, and it offers a 50 MB
> download
> at http://obsd.dk/50MB, which I'll download from the other two machines.
> gw.obelnet.dk:
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ wget -O /dev/null http://obsd.dk/50MB
>     --21:03:22--  http://obsd.dk/50MB
>                => `/dev/null'
>     Resolving obsd.dk...
>     Connecting to obsd.dk||:80... connected.
>     HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>     Length: 52,428,800 (50M) [text/plain]
>     100%[====================================>] 52,428,800   334.12K/s    ETA
> 00:00
>     21:05:57 (331.55 KB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [52428800/52428800]
> matrix.math.aau.dk:
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ wget -O /dev/null http://obsd.dk/50MB
>     --21:06:45--  http://obsd.dk/50MB
>                => `/dev/null'
>     Resolving obsd.dk...
>     Connecting to obsd.dk||:80... connected.
>     HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>     Length: 52.428.800 (50M) [text/plain]
>     100%[====================================>] 52.428.800     1.59M/s    ETA
> 00:00
>     21:07:17 (1.56 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [52428800/52428800]
> I have attached three traceroutes -- from gw.obelnet.dk to
> sauerkraut.obsd.dk,
> from matrix.math.aau.dk to sauerkraut.obsd.dk, and from gw.obelnet.dk to
> matrix.math.aau.dk. The last one illustrates how close gw.obelnet.dk and
> matrix.math.aau.dk are located, network wise. Both are connected through
> Aalborg University, which is connected through the Danish Network for
> Research
> and Education, which again is connected through NORDUnet (a collaboration
> between nordic research networks).
> What baffles me most is that when I make a ssh tunnel from gw.obelnet.dk
> through matrix.math.aau.dk to sauerkraut.obsd.dk, I can download the 50
> MB file with approx 1.5 MB/s:
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ grep obsd.dk /etc/hosts
> localhost.obelnet.dk localhost obsd.dk
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ssh -N -L 4000:obsd.dk:80 matrix.math.aau.dk &
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ wget -O /dev/null http://obsd.dk:4000/50MB
>     --21:26:23--  http://obsd.dk:4000/50MB
>                => `/dev/null'
>     Resolving obsd.dk...
>     Connecting to obsd.dk||:4000... connected.
>     HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>     Length: 52,428,800 (50M) [text/plain]
>     100%[====================================>] 52,428,800     1.47M/s    ETA
> 00:00
>     21:26:55 (1.54 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [52428800/52428800]
> Beside the test above, I have also downloaded the 50 MB file from a
> Linux box (Debian GNU/Linux, 2.6.x kernel) and an OpenBSD box
> (4.2-current), both directly behind gw.obelnet.dk. gw.obelnet.dk is
> a NAT gateway for the two boxes, as you might have guessed. The numbers
> from above are confirmed -- the Linux box downloads with 1-1.5 MB/s, and
> the OpenBSD box downloads with 270-300 kB/s.
> Can anybody explain these differences? Why are the downloads so slow on
> OpenBSD?
> Any help is appreciated. If you think I've left something important out,
> don't hesitate to ask.
> Best regards,
> Martin
> Attachments:
> Traceroute from gw.obelnet.dk to sauerkraut.obsd.dk:
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ traceroute -P 1 sauerkraut.obsd.dk
>     traceroute to sauerkraut.obsd.dk (, 64 hops max, 60 byte
> packets
>      1  gi1-0-1.aalborg1.aau.dk (  0.769 ms  0.814 ms
> 0.802 ms
>      2  icdata.ly4.core.fsknet.dk (  6.758 ms  6.392 ms
> 6.606 ms
>      3  teng-ly4.ly3.core.fsknet.dk (  6.275 ms  6.634ms
> 6.683 ms
>      4  10g-ly3.or1.core.fsknet.dk (  6.615 ms  7.184 ms
> 6.924 ms
>      5  dk-ore.nordu.net (  6.791 ms  6.726 ms  6.608 ms
>      6  se-fre.nordu.net (  16.359 ms  16.418 ms  16.604 ms
>      7  s-b3-link.telia.net (  20.683 ms  20.695 ms  17.285ms
>      8  s-bb1-link.telia.net (  20.385 ms  20.360 ms  16.842ms
>      9  ffm-bb1-link.telia.net (  43.569 ms  44.25 ms
> 47.294 ms
>     10  ffm-b1-link.telia.net (  47.347 ms  47.275 ms  47.236ms
>     11  pipex-115772-ffm-b1.c.telia.net (  51.53 ms
> 54.802 ms  50.290 ms
>     12  xe-6-1-0.juwel.cgn3.hosteurope.de (  49.954 ms
> 49.954 ms  50.155 ms
>     13  xe-16-1.mlx31m.cgn3.hosteurope.de (  44.355 ms
> 43.938 ms  47.882 ms
>     14  * * *
>     15  sauerkraut.obsd.dk (  44.167 ms  43.965 ms  47.766ms
> Traceroute from matrix.math.aau.dk to sauerkraut.obsd.dk:
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ traceroute -I sauerkraut.obsd.dk
>     traceroute to sauerkraut.obsd.dk (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
> packets
>      1  ciscoa (  1.044 ms  1.006 ms  1.015 ms
>      2  gi-gw4.aalborg2.aau.dk (  0.430 ms  0.402 ms  0.401 ms
>      3  icdata.ly4.core.fsknet.dk (  6.045 ms  6.054 ms
> 6.034 ms
>      4  teng-ly4.ly3.core.fsknet.dk (  5.978 ms  5.972ms
> 5.959 ms
>      5  10g-ly3.or1.core.fsknet.dk (  6.483 ms  6.506 ms
> 6.471 ms
>      6  dk-ore.nordu.net (  6.421 ms  6.432 ms  6.403 ms
>      7  se-fre.nordu.net (  16.172 ms  16.182 ms  16.147 ms
>      8  s-b3-link.telia.net (  32.140 ms  20.068 ms  16.418ms
>      9  s-bb1-link.telia.net (  20.093 ms  16.391 ms  20.038ms
>     10  ffm-bb1-link.telia.net (  47.058 ms  47.037 ms
> 47.074 ms
>     11  ffm-b1-link.telia.net (  47.108 ms  47.017 ms  43.327ms
>     12  pipex-115772-ffm-b1.c.telia.net (  49.744 ms
> 49.727 ms  46.568 ms
>     13  xe-6-1-0.juwel.cgn3.hosteurope.de (  59.206 ms
> 55.756 ms  46.009 ms
>     14  xe-16-1.mlx31m.cgn3.hosteurope.de (  43.659 ms
> 43.619 ms  47.294 ms
>     15  * * *
>     16  sauerkraut.obsd.dk (  47.355 ms  47.274 ms  43.667ms
> Traceroute from gw.obelnet.dk to matrix.math.aau.dk:
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ traceroute -P 1 matrix.math.aau.dk
>     traceroute to matrix.math.aau.dk (, 64 hops max, 60 byte
> packets
>      1  gi1-0-1.aalborg1.aau.dk (  0.573 ms  0.658 ms
> 0.821 ms
>      2  gi1-1.aau-gw1.aau.dk (  0.558 ms  0.567 ms  0.527 ms
>      3  aau-gw4.auc.dk (  1.243 ms  1.717 ms  1.72 ms
>      4  matrix.math.aau.dk (  0.575 ms  0.690 ms  0.762 ms
What is the tcp windowsize of your machine ?
OpenBSD in default install runs with window size of 16k, which in the aprox
RTT seen in the trace about gives a theoretical max of ~400kByte/sec.

If you increase that to the 64k your linux boxes probably run that would
give ~ 1600kByte/sec.


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