I was just wondering if anyone has made any progress?

I'm still using one monitor and it feels like I lost a finger.

On 11/11/2007, Paulo Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I confirm again. The xenocara build from the last snapshop gave me zero
> results. I still have the garbled screen on the monitor plugged using a
> VGA connector. Funny thing is, it sets the correct resolution for the
> 22" screen but only ID's the AL1717 monitor. Very odd.
> Chris Harper schreef:
> > Hi Paul
> >
> > Just wondering if you have had any success ?
> >
> > I updated to -current and also xenocara but it hasn't worked. I have
> > managed to get some form of dual screen through nv(4)'s Option
> > "DualHead" "Yes".
> >
> > I could not set a resolution suitable for my dual 19"W (1440x900)
> > monitors thou, it also treats the pair of monitors as one giant
> > monitor which makes opening windows 'fully'
> > span the pair.
> >
> > On Nov 6, 2007 9:32 AM, Paulo Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Chris,
> >>
> >> Those are exactly the same symptoms I'm experiencing as well.
> >> I'll be trying -current later tonight to see how it goes. I'll keep you
> >> informed.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> P
> >>
> >> Chris Harper schreef:
> >>
> >>
> >>> Im currently attempting to get my 7900GTX to run dual screens under
> >>> 4.2 release without success.
> >>>
> >>> I can only seem to get green and orange squares on the second monitor
> >>> which are some how linked
> >>> to the first as they change colour as the mouse moves around.
> >>>
> >>> Any progress you make would be appareciated.
> >>> On Nov 5, 2007 10:46 PM, Paulo Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Hi misc,
> >>>>
> >>>> Just wondering about any success stories getting dual-screen/xinerama
> >>>> running under OpenBSD 4.2-release with nVidia cards (G73) under X. If I
> >>>> read correctly the necessary code for this was imported by matthieu@
> >>>> after 4.2-release code was frozen, so it should be in -current.
> >>>>
> >>>> Kind regards,
> >>>>
> >>>> Paulo

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