Hi Juan,

Juan Miscaro wrote on Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 10:31:30AM -0500:

> I have a 4.2 master system which I intend to use
> to quickly install new systems.

This does make sense.

You do not tell us whether you are using 4.2-stable or 4.2-current.
Both are good choices; in any case, make sure you know which one
you are using, and stick to it.

Also read: http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#Flavors

> I have rebuilt the master system with updated sources;
> made the release sets;
So far, this is standard practice for both -stable and -current.
> and made tarballs of /usr/src.
What are you going to with a src tarball?
I suspect you won't need that kind of beast at all.
Besides, why are you using the plural "tarball*s*"?
> I installed a client system with the sets over ftp.
> All is well.
> I want to eventually be able to update the client source code
> once in the field so I unpacked the master tarballs.
Here i'm losing track of what you are doing.
I suppose you are referring to your src tarball(s)?
I suspect you won't need source code on the client machines.
The standard way to handle upgrades is to update the src
on the master only, to build new release sets on the master,
and to use the official upgrade process to install these
new release sets on the clients.  That way, none of the
clients will ever need source code.
> The trouble is that when I performed a test update of this code
> there was a immense amount of downloading taking place.
> This should not have been the case.
Unless you tell us what you mean by "test update" (cvs update?
which server? which command, exactly?) even guessing is difficult.
In case you are talking about
  cd /usr/src; cvs up -dP
this will take some time, even with a quick network link, using
a public mirror in your own country and without many changes.
For the above command, five minutes would seem normal even
using a 100 Mbit/s internet connection.
But probably this whole discussion is moot.
I fail to see the point in copying /usr/src to several machines.
If you just want to be able to read the source from all machines,
you might want to use NFS, possibly in read-only mode.
If you really need to copy the source to many machines,
you should probably set up your own internal cvs mirror -
but what for?
> Given that I may have committed  a mistake with the creation
> of the tarball

Hard to say - you did not tell us the command you used.
On the other hand, this is not rocket science.
  cd /usr/src; tar -czf /tmp/src.tgz .
should be sufficient to copy a source tree from one machine
to another.

> is my method sound?  It seems like a typical operation.
> Comments?

Part of what you say looks sound and standard,
but part of it does not.


Ingo Schwarze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Serverbetrieb usta.de / studis.de

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