
On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 04:27:36PM +0100, Didier Wiroth wrote:
>I updated my src tree (current sources) this morning and updated it a few 
>times this afternoon but I'm not able to build the kernel anymore, is anyone 
>else experiencing this issue?

If you want to recompile current from source, it's useful to track

Then you'll see that config(8) has changed.

So re-compile config (from /usr/src/usr.sbin/config) first (make obj,
make cleandir, make depend, make, make install), then remove the compile
dir, then re-run config.

>I'm able to reproduce this on another PC where I updated the source too.

>cd /usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/conf && /usr/bin/sudo config GENERIC
>../../../../conf/files:995: syntax error

Kind regards,


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